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What Time Do Kids Really Go to Bed? We Surveyed 70 Parents to Get to the Cold, Bleary-Eyed Truth


What Time Do Kids *Really* Go to Bed? We Surveyed 70 Parents to Get to the Cold, Bleary-Eyed Truth

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children ages 6 to 12 should get 9 to 12 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers need 8 to 10 hours. But in reality, what time do kids actually go to bed—and what time do their parents wish they went to bed? We surveyed 70 parents to find out.

Elementary School Age (6-12):

• Bedtime recommended by parents: 8:30 pm • Actual bedtime reported by parents: 9:21 pm

Teenagers (13-18):

• Bedtime recommended by parents: 10 pm • Actual bedtime reported by parents: 11:19 pm

The Discrepancies:

For elementary-age kids, there was a 1 hour and 51 minute difference between recommended and actual bedtimes. For teenagers, parents wished their kids went to bed an hour and 19 minutes earlier than they actually did.

Reasons for the Delayed Bedtimes:

• Screen time/technology use (TV, phones, video games, computers): 68% • Homework/school activities: 25% • Reluctance to go to sleep/restlessness: 20% • Snacks or other late eating: 10%

The Consequences of Lack of Sleep:

• Irritability or moodiness: 62% • Difficulty concentrating/paying attention: 53% • Tiredness or fatigue: 48% • Weight gain/ unhealthy diet choices: 15%

Kids Are Snoozing Through Bedtime—Here’s How We Can Help Them Catch Up on Their Zzz’s

With consistent rules around screen time, homework and snacks in the hours before bed, parents can dramatically improve their kids’ sleep. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and making bedrooms dark, quiet and cool for the best sleep environment can also help kids drift off to sleep earlier and sleep more soundly through the night.

Getting kids the rest they need will benefit their health, growth, behavior and school performance for years to come. Making sleep a priority in your house is well worth the effort.

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